
Hey! Welcome to my food blog. I am having so much fun with this one. Here you'll find recipes and pictures of yummy things I cook up, tips & tricks to make things faster/easier, some reviews of my favorite food products, and some eating out recommendations! Thanks for stopping by.

The blog will be taking a healthy turn since my PCOS diagnosis. Gotta get creative!

Tips & Tricks

It's almost time for the holidays! When you are making that delicious ham, use pineapple to make it juicy and sweet. Take the pineapple slices out of the can, leaving the juice in it. Pour brown sugar in the can while stirring until it thickens up some, but not too thick! Stab your ham a few times and pour your mixture all over it. Then throw your pineapple on top and secure with toothpicks. Bake and enjoy!

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